
Tuesday, June 21, 2011

“Worry does not take the pain out of tomorrow; it merely takes the joy out of today”

Much of our misery arises from our minds; for the most part we despair over situations that we have no control over. It is a waste of life energy to worry about things that no amount of worrying will ever resolve.
It is inevitable that at some point in your life you will endure some type of suffering, for each one of us our hardships vary. With that being said, the idea is to be able to cultivate a life state in which each of us can thoroughly enjoy each moment at all times. Having faith enables us to attain the kind generous and all embracing state of mind in which all that we experience we can enjoy. We can cultivate a haven deep within our hearts, where we can keep deep happiness, where regardless of the situation, this happiness will be there. Think of it as a state of life where we can clearly see the rainbow after the storm or an indestructible fortress that gazes down below onto the raging seas…..Once this is accomplished, the path to resolve becomes more clear and steps to move forward are more easily accomplished.


  1. You have a wonderful blog! Thank you for your thoughts, time, and effort. Reading your encouraging messages helps me on my journey. Namaste!

  2. Thank you for taking the time to read the entries, your encouragement is what keep me writing...always thankful for all the help! Namaste
