
Wednesday, December 26, 2012

Its all about perspective! The more we are willing to keep learning the more we become open and aware of just how many roads there really are out there, each one with a unique purpose, all leading into the pool of collective consciousness that unites us as ONE. 

Join me live online Thursday Dec. 27th 6:30-7:pm EST as we discuss - "A fact is not a fact; It is merely our perception of our own reality."

Journeying with Will "Story" Rivera

Why is it we feel so compelled to prove ourselves right all the time, we allow the slightest difference in belief or thought pattern to turn our reality upside down. There is no need to argue over anthing in this world. Everyone we come across and learn about is our teacher in some way shape or form. When we allow ourselves to be open to understand that our truth, points and beliefs are not the only one's with illuminating effects, we in turn encourage unity and oneness. Once we start to believe that we have the "truth" or we are "right" we are done growing spiritually and we become stagnate in our own limited reality.

Arguments weigh heavy on one another, whereas openness empowers each other, the moment we feel the need to "defend" our position, we become stuck in a limited belief.

I am open to your thoughts and look forward to hearing from everyone!

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